Why do Europeans believe Africa has no history? -Understand the reason today

Ages for around quite a while back, European-brokers came to Africa to bought Africa's abundance in Gold, Iron and afterward Slave exchange. Over the long haul the Europeans cruised to the African landmass and shared their Eurocentric perspectives on African history and finished up by saying that Africa has no set of experiences.
As indicated by this magnificent historiography, Africa had no set of experiences and hence the Africans were a group without history. They engendered the picture of Africa as a 'dim landmass'. It was contended at the time that Africa had no set of experiences since history starts with composing and consequently with the appearance of the Europeans.
Did Africa have history before European colonization?
A few European creators had pounced upon and, surprisingly, questioned Africa's verifiable legacy; one even ventured to say, "Africa had no set of experiences preceding European investigation and colonization, that there is just the historical backdrop of Europeans in Africa.
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