Why I’m Not Here To Judge You Or Tell You How To Live Your Life
Being a good entrepreneur does not necessarily mean you can start talking about yourself all the time and everyone will listen – but is quite the opposite. You need to listen to conversations in your industry, listen carefully to your customers or your clients. That also mean being able to repeat back to your customers and clients what they are saying to you and finally offer solutions to their problems. In short, you need to become a fantastic analytical thinker. All of these are effectively and efficiently when you have a strong passion with what you are doing otherwise, you will quickly burn out and get discouraged. However, if you have a strong passion, you are a fantastic analytical thinker that simply means you are a good listener and you real want to transfer that passion to or solve your customers’ and clients’ problems and make lots of cash while enjoying that true kind of freedom, I suggest entrepreneurship is a best fit for you.
Why entrepreneurs are disciplined self-starters
Another reason why I hate being an employee is that you can’t initiate anything important without the approval of your boss or employer. The reason this pisses me off is that I’m a disciplined self-starter. Therefore, in my world you don’t need anyone else to tell you what to do and you always personally take the initiative. To be a business owner and succeed you must be proactive much more than you are reactive. This requires the ability to effectively manage your time. For example, when I speak about freedom, most people may think I spend all day in my robe and slippers watching episodes of “The Last ship” TV-Series, but rather, I get up every day at the same time and I work intensely during normal work hours (and in the evening and on weekends). If I screw around and waste time, I don’t get paid, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do anything on my will (Freedom). It’s as simple as that. For the most part, if you are to enter into business world for yourself, as you are starting your own business, in early stages you are responsible for sales, financials, taxes, legal issues, accounting, technology problems, and everything in between. In this case, you have to be very resourceful, and the ability to juggle multiple demands on your time is key for any self-starter like me.
When it rains, it pours
While I’m an entrepreneur I understand that – when it rains it pours, and then there are stretches of drought, which has given me all that power to control almost everything I do in my businesses. In my world there are more than enough ups and downs, for example when I was starting out, sometimes five fabulous clients will call me at once, and then no one will call for weeks. If you are to go my way, you must be able to adapt and have the ability to balance stressful situations, busy work periods with slower times. In short, you must-have the ability to go with the flow because, when it rains it pours.
I just call my girlfriend
What I have learned is that you can only have the ability to smoothly go with the flow only if you are resourceful, you don’t take things personally and you don’t dwell on things you can’t change. That means, If something from the work day is really upsetting me and I know I can’t have any impact on the outcome, I just call my girlfriend have a glass of wine together and soon than later I get over it. Therefore, if you are resourceful disciplined self-starter and you can go with the flow I suggest entrepreneurship is a best fit for you.
A quick important reminder
In the life of making money there are six core concepts that I personally believe that, you will need to consider if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. These core concepts are; Power, Control, Leverage, Productivity, Money and Freedom. These core concepts are very important because if you have Power, it will give you Control and when that happens there is always a room for Leverage, this automatically increases your Productivity and that means you will make more Money, which translates into more Freedom in life! So, all of this is to say that, my book; Why I Hate Being An Employee is for you only if you are looking at life the same way I do. For you and I have this feeling that life has a lot to offer us and that, it is our responsibility to make sure we have the right mindsets, which may help us recognize how those core concepts may work against us and what we can do to flip the coin so that, instead of them working against us, those concepts should constantly work to our advantages.
This book will not tell you what to do
In my life, what I have come to realize is that. You don’t necessarily have to ‘DO’ something to be successful, but rather you have to ‘BE’ something to be successful in your life. In other words, who you are is more important than what you do in your life. This is why this book will not tell you what to do to be successful in your life. What you might not know is that, becoming a successful entrepreneur is primarily a mental battle. In my point of view, the process is much more of a mindset than it is to do with knowing what and how to actually do things in a business. This book will not tell you what to do; this is why it starts with these mindsets shifts ideas. The good news is that, if you are an employee and a job security is your reality world. Alternatively, if you got out of college and the mindsets of only looking for a job is your reality world and that you want to change your life, I can tell you that, the process to changing your life from being an employee to being an entrepreneur is more of a mental process than a physical one. Moreover, sometimes it doesn’t even require you to change what you are doing now. In fact, successful people don’t change their approach unless it doesn’t work-they only change to change with conditions. The reason why I insist you to change your approach of going forward with life looking at it from an employee’s point of view is that simple, it doesn’t work for me!
The New York-based non-profit research group is on my side
Are you feeling satisfied with your job? If not, you are among the majority of Americans—52.3%—who are unhappy at work. According to a report by the Conference Board of the New York-based non-profit research group, most Americans are unhappy at work. The reason this report drew my attention is because, I believe that happy people are confident people, and confident people make things happen. Until now my question is, if that percent of people aren’t happy at their work, how do they stay Productive and make things happen at their jobs?
Every year since 1987, the Board has run a job satisfaction survey. Nearly three decades ago, in one of its researches 61.1% of workers said they liked their jobs. That number has slid over time, reaching an all-time low in 2010 following the Great Recession, when only 42.6% of workers said they were satisfied in their jobs. It has been ticking back up since then but rose only .4% since last year.
The survey asks workers how they feel about various parts of their experience, including job security, wages, promotion policy, vacation policy, sick leave, health plan and retirement plan. On all of those measures, workers were happier in 1987 than they are now. The only exceptions: physical environment and quality of equipment. However, there were only small gains in those categories. Some 54.6% liked their physical environment in 1987 versus 56.4% today, and 54.7% liked their equipment in 1987, compared to less than a percentage point more today, 55.2%. The report’s authors speculate that the increase in telecommuting offers a partial explanation, as people prefer working at home to being in the office and employers are responding by rethinking and improving equipment and workspaces.
I am surprised that the equipment number is not higher, given how much faster and more powerful computers are today versus the ‘80s, when some of us remember those big, clunky, slow machines. However, maybe we expect more from our computers these days and at least at Forbes, for example; My Dell desktop crashes more frequently then I would like and more often than that slow but reliable Compaq I used in the early days.
As the prospects for long-term work with the same employer have eroded and employees have been saddled with ever-higher health plan deductibles and payroll deductions, the two categories where workers’ satisfaction fell the most were job security and health plan, both declining by at least 11 points since 1987.The report also looks at satisfaction gains in the short term. As for income, the results highlight the gap in satisfaction between those earning well and those at the bottom of the income scale. Workers making more than $125,000 were the most satisfied, with 64.1% saying they were happy with their compensation, compared to 59.6% in 2011. Only 24.4% making under $15,000 were satisfied—also no surprise. That is down from 27.3% in that group who were satisfied in 2011. In the mid-range, 44.4% of those making between $50,000 and $75,000 said they were satisfied, versus 45.8% in 2011.What makes employees happiest at work? “Interest in work,” which 59% said satisfied them and “people at work,” which 60.6% said they liked. What worries workers most? Layoffs. Even though hiring has picked up, only 46.6% of employees say they feel satisfied with their job security, compared to 48.5% before the recession. That is way down from the 59.4% who said they felt they had job security in 1987.
Finally, the report has some interesting data comparing men’s and women’s satisfaction at work. Men are happier in their jobs, with 47.8% saying they are satisfied versus 46.3% of women. There is also a sign that the glass ceiling persists, observes the report, shown in the differing satisfaction about promotion and compensation. Among men, 26.1% say they are satisfied with their promotion prospects versus 21.4% of women and 38.3% of men are happy with their wages versus 34.3% of women.
I’m not here to judge you
Right now I do not want to pretend that employments aren’t good whatsoever and so, if to you being an employee works better for you, I’m okay with that, I’m okay with that because, I’m not here to judge you or tell you how to live your life, this is why my book will not tell you what to do. However, the main reason why I trust this report is because, the Conference Board relied on Nielsen, which conducted a mail survey of 5,000 households and got responses from 1,673 workers. In addition, while my book will not tell you what to do, it will show you the way to go sort to speak. People are not personally growing because they are comfort seekers. The problem with being comfortable is that, even if you are now successful, it doesn’t mean you will be successful forever. In fact, being comfortable will hinder you from being successful beyond your wildest dreams. The reason why I’m always growing to the next levels is that, my life is always uncomfortable. However, the key is, I have learned to be comfortable with all the uncomfortability of the real world. Who you are, is more important than what you do in your life for a living, this is why my main job in my book is to make you feel very uncomfortable in order for you to understand the real you! Moreover, I now repeat again, my book is not a how to book. But rather, it is just me introducing you to the way I think, and in my point of view, it is that way of thinking which makes my life very easier and enjoyable in all walks of life and that’s include starting multiple businesses and making more money.
***Don’t switch jobs; start your own business ***
My advice to everyone I meet is don’t switch jobs; start your own business. But first, to make sure you don’t revert back to being an employee you will have to know and understand how Power, Control, Leverage, Productivity, Money and Freedom can work against you when you are an employee. This is why the rest of this book will concentrate of me introducing you to these six concepts, what are they, why they are important, and most importantly how being an employee can make them work against you and probably sabotages your level of success in business and life in general. It is my belief that, when you are fully aware of how these core concepts can work against you when you are an employee, then just like me, you might change your perspective and start your own business. And that is what this book is all about.
If you real want to go into details of the entire book with me,
click here: Why I Hate Being An Employee
Or Else;
Tell me, whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur, does power, control, leverage, productivity, money and freedom work to your advantages?
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.