10 Ways To Write More Effective Ads
The ONLY eBook you Need to Make MORE CASH this Year.....GUARANTEED
This eBook reveals the following….
- What advertising actually means (it’s Not what you might think)
- How you can make your advertising as effective as possible
- How you can focus on Them (the easiest way)
- What to do when pushing your reader’s Emotional Hot Buttons
- Why people dislike being sold
- Tried and Tested methods that will help you increase the perception of believability
- How you can use 3rd party testimonials
- USP – one of the most oft-misunderstood elements of a good sales letter
- A well-known structure in successful sales letters (AIDAS)
- Takeaway selling (that increases Urgency), et cetera
And if you Download it NOW, you receive the following BONUS with it instantly
BONUS eBook – Basic Copywriting in Plain English
This eBook covers the following….
- 13 Best steps to follow in writing a persuasive sales copy
- Simple places to discover what your market wants
- How to craft your bullet points for effective selling
- How to come up with HEADLINES that make SALES…. Guaranteed!
- What to use if you lack Credibility
- Easy tips for getting Testimonials (even if you don’t have any), plus How you can craft them professionally
- The New way of overcoming the 5 main objections
- Powerful words to always use in your copy
- The power of photos
- 76 opening lines, et cetera
And GOOD NEWS is that, you enjoy this eBook + Bonus for JUST $4.99 instead of $100 (within 24-hours)
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Look at some of the Feedbacks from people like you whose lives changed when they took immediate action ……
“This year, I make more from copywriting that I do from my full-time teaching job” – Gerard Dawson
“I booked $1,200 of clients by copying your exact template” – Ben Hucker
“Signed a Huge client last week” – Nate Shivar, shiva web consulting
“Completely changed the way I write, present, and communicate” – Bruno Souza, Code4Life
“Made $400 from copy and landed a HUUUUUUGEE Brand” – Shivan Chhuneja
“Over $27K sales in just 5 days” – Neil Anderson, flackbox.com
“Now I’m a full-time copywriter” – Suzy, Grow write creative
“I just got my first High Paying Client” – Tim Branch
Click the BUY NOW button to instantly Download your eBook + Bonus BEFORE THE OFFER ENDS (It’s a 24 hours Exclusive Offer)
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Sold by: Lackson Tungaraza
Sold by: Lackson Tungaraza